The biggest element that sets Grow apart from other online multiplayer games is the growing system. Rather than picking a class, spawning, dying and picking a class again, every player will start off equal and work their way up to their desired play style. You can also now use this link to learn more at The
How Grow Works: Part 1 – Game Modes
The last time we had the game playable by the public was at PAX AUS last year and it was a simple deathmatch game mode on a small level and with only two players. This isn’t really the way the game is meant to be played, so we thought it might be good to start
Welcome to the Studio Grow blog
Welcome to the blog! Over the next few months we’ll be running closed betas, attending exhibitions and eventually releasing Grow through Steam Early Access and we’d like to keep everyone updated on both the big announcements and little changes. This blog is for anyone who’d like to keep a closer eye on us and be